Downstream activities depend on understanding the chemical fingerprinting of crude oils and how their macrophysical qualities relate to their primary chemical characteristics. A suitable tool to map the properties of crude oil is direct insertion probe-mass spectrometry (DIP-MS), which works by placing samples directly into the ionization chamber without any prior processing, allowing them to vaporize, and then Ionizing them after electronic impact. Up to masses of m/z 950, the components of the ails are divided based on their respective boiling points. Crude oils are intricate organic mixtures whose composition varies depending on the oil field as well as the region in which it is found. Chemical DIP-MS was used to quickly and easily characterize a collection of crude oils with various sources and bulk physical qualities. With molecular weight and volatility (le. vaporization temperature on the axes, the data were depicted in contour plots. which provided an instant understanding of the nature of the oil in terms of its physical characteristics and enabled its fingerprinting. Analysts of contour plots using principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) revealed similarities and
differences amongst the crude oils, which were supported by comparison to bulk physical parameters such as American Petroleum Institute (API) gravity and viscosity
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