The pharmaceutical, biotechnology and environmental industries use sophisticated analytical chemistry instruments known as liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC- MS).This apparatus allows for the very sensitive and accurate identification of a variety of compounds by combining the separation capabilities of high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) with the mass analysis capabilities of mass spectrometrySamples containing complicated combinations of substances are pumped into a chromatography column and separated into their constituent parts, primarily based on the polarity of the molecules.When a component reaches the end of a column, it is directed into an ion source, where the solvent is removed and the compounds are made ionized before being directed into a mass analyzer and mass detector. The mass detector affirms eachion’s abundance, and the mass analyzer organizes ions according to their masses( also known as the mass-to-charge to charge-to-charge ratio or m/z). Ions can be produced by a variety of sources each of which employs a somewhat different method